Producing comedy shows since 2015!

Game Over Comedy is an LA-based production team of one that produces multimedia comedy show all over Los Angeles. Initially created in 2015 as a way to combine video games with standup comedy, Game Over has grown to produce video art comedy shows, combined comedy and art shows, and currently a VHS-themed comedy show.

Founded by Joel Samataro, Matt Pumphret, Cole Bruns and Josh Samataro

Produced by Joel Samataro

Comedy VHS

A reaction gif show where comedians react to gifs that react to their sets. However, these are no ordinary gifs–we’ve created our own from the strangest VHS tapes around!



A comedy and art show inspired by movies and TV! Featuring curated art within a theme and a comedy show where comedians react to thematic video clips.

vggs cover photo.jpg

Deathmatch, Speedrun and Video Game Game Show

Deathmatch - Comedians compete for stage time

Speedrun - Comedians have 10 minutes to beat one level and perform with the remaining time.

Video Game Game Show - Contestants compete in a video game tournament with increasingly difficult distractions.


Comedy VJ

Comedians perform in front of visuals inspired by their sets!